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Morning Whip, Mar. 18, 2010

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If you think health care is a "civil right" then you must believe in slavery for doctors and nurses. There's no other alternative. If you have a right to their work, then you should get it without paying for it, right? What do you call forcing somebody to work and not paying them? Hmm???

I call it slavery. But maybe you can come up with a nicer, kinder, gentler word for shackling another person and making them do your bidding.

"Well, no!" you say. "It's not slavery at all! It's just that I have a right to health care. You're so cruel and heartless if you don't think that people have a right to decent health care."

No. You're the one who is cruel and heartless. Why don't you have a right to demand that the farmer give you food? Why don't you have a right to demand that the carpenter build you a house? What makes clothing and shelter different from health care?

No. You're the one who wants to turn your neighbors into your slaves.

"Right" is not a synonym for "want."

Kids want candy instead of broccoli. That doesn't mean that a caring parent will give it to them. SECTION TWO: Things That Amuse Me:
Simians and other aminals*:
Dog with puncture wound and other injuries seeks treatment _ at New Mexico emergency room
Monkeys learn more from females
To Save a Snow Leopard: A Special Afghanistan Mission
Dogs Likely Originated in the Middle East, New Genetic Data Indicate

Sun Country to Fly 737s to London

South Dakota State Claims Summit League’s 2009-10 Food Fight Title
Record number of mid majors earn spots in NCAAs - Women's basketball . . .
Study: Women’s teams outperform men in grad rates -- Of course, I think it is true that women in general outperform men in graduation rates . . .
NCAA official backs bill to create tax incentives for sports events in Missouri -- Dear NCAA: NO. Kthxbai.
Circling the Summit
Wherever he has coached, Self preaches a “magic level”
Jackrabbit women help school find Division I success
Tyler Summitt wants to coach
Jackrabbits prepare for Sooners in NCAA opener
NCAA mens basketball bracket: Even top seeds lose money
UMKC women take on Memphis tonight

Science Fiction and Writing:
What's in a name? A lot, when it comes to fantasy

Miscellany (amusing things not fitting above, or below):
Hollywood’s Broke Part 1: Recognizing There’s a Problem
Jay Leno’s Back on Top & Critics Remain as Irrelevant as Ever
Rum Money Ignites Brawl Between U.S. Territories
More beer, dear: Man refused beer run allegedly breaks furniture, throws beer bottle -- Headline writer got it wrong. It's not "More beer, dear," it's "Bring me a beer, wench!" Followed by a belch, and then a quick duck away from whatever flying object approaches your head at a high rate of speed.

SECTION THREE: Politics: The neverending battle against blithering idiocy:
People doing potentially good things (including sightings of politicians doing something less than totally idiotic):
"I did not give up my First Amendment rights when my husband became a justice of the Supreme Court.”
This Just In! The Pledge of Allegiance is Constitutional
Census Reminder: You're An American
A very personal plea, for our nation -- There are times when the best thing to do is pray for Divine intervention . . .
ACTION ITEMS: March 17th, 2010

The cure for blithering idiocy: freedom and individual liberty (yeah, I know--ooh, ick, philosophy!):
The Parable of the Bread Aisle
My Weekly Date with a Liberal – ‘The Mile High Club’
Glenn Beck and the Buzz About Social Justice -- "Social Justice" is neither.
The American Revolution -- In case you've forgotten what all the fuss was about . . .

The reality of President Obama and his entire Administration as blithering idiots:
Obama Orders Army NOT To Fly U.S. Flag in Haiti
President Obama’s Got a Secret (And it’s that he’s more secretive than Bush was)
3,000 percent!
Surprise! Obama administration defies more FOIA requests than Bush WH
Obama Slinks To Fox News To Save Presidency
Is Eric Holder a dope?
Reality takes an unreal shape
Record-breaker: Obama runs up $2 trillion in debt in 421 days
Historic and unprecedented: more disapprove of Obama than approve of him

The reality of Washington Democrats (and Independents, and Socialists) as blithering idiots:
Can Dems salvage their standing in ObamaCare debacle?
Rasmussen: GOP Now Up By +10 Over Democrats on Generic Congressional Ballot; Biggest Lead in Almost Three Years -- The Democrats think that after they get this health care thing rammed through, all will be forgiven and people will come rushing back to them bearing flowers and bon-bons. They would be badly, tragically mistaken.
John Thune: "We've Gone From Passing Bills Without Reading Them to Passing Them Without Voting On Them"
Obama’s Scheme to Gut the Coast Guard -- "The Obama administration plans to cut 1,100 active duty personnel from the Coast Guard, the smallest of our military services. Funds for port security—our first line of defense—will be cut by $100 million." But you'll be able to get that bunion operated on . . . if you wait long enough . . .

Other blithering idiots at large making life difficult for regular folks:
Krugman: “Mercantilism Works”
Larry Lessig's 'Simple' Solution to Excessive Speech -- Congratulations, Larry. You are now officially an enemy of liberty.
First They Came for My Soda, Now They are Coming for My Pizza!

Opposition Research: because blithering idiocy can be dangerous, especially when organized into idiotic groups with idiotic ideologies:
THE KEY to stopping Healthcare Rationing is directing ire directly at top Democrat Donors. Desiree Rogers’ ouster proves this.
RESISTANCE: Direct all ire at the major Donors of the following Democrats

SECTION FOUR: Case Studies in Blithering Idiocy
"Global warming" aka "Climate change" -- or should that be "Climate Reform?":
Another Look at Climate Sensitivity -- Featuring a helpful picture. We like pictures.
ClimateGate: What Will Television Do With All Their Scare-Programming?

Health care "reform" aka health insurance "reform" -- or should that be health care "change?" Perhaps "Global healthing?:

Obamacare Slaughter Rule is without Precedent
Arrogant Approach to Health Care
Pence blasts Slaughter Rule on House floor
Key Democrat Says Using Slaughter Rule Is “Wrong”
DemonPass Would Probably Be Found Unconstitutional
Report: CBO set to score House reconciliation fix as more expensive than thought -- Whatever they score it, the final bill will be much, much higher.
Slaughter strategy ripped by … Blanche Lincoln
Out of the Archives: Hoyer Lambasts GOP Use of the “Slaughter Rule” in 2003 (Video)
Thousands Protest Obamacare Today in Washington DC -- Tuesday . . .
A look at Democrats' health care overhaul -- The devil is, of course, in the details . . . and in the humongous cost, which we simply can't afford . . .
Health care reform: Apparently the CBO isn’t cooperating
Breaking: We Are Just 11 Votes Shy From Killing Obamacare!
Rigging the Healthcare Debate with Dishonest Numbers
Cognative dissonance: If the private sector can’t afford it, how can the public sector? -- "Cognative dissonance" is what normal people call "blithering idiocy."
NEMJ poll: 46% of family practitioners will feel forced out of medicine if ObamaCare passes
ObamaCare: Who Should We Be Putting Pressure On?
Deem and pass shows “lack of confidence,” “demeaning of democracy” -- Or so the Democrats once believed, back when they still were patriotic and loyal Americans. Yes, I'm bringing out the "un-American" card. Nothing is more un-American than trampling the Constitution into the dirt.
Obamacare Increases Unemployment, Insurance Premiums, Deficit, and Debt -- This apparently sounds like a good idea to Democrats.
Brutal 24 Hours Has Obamacare Facing Death Panel? -- Blithering idiocy will never die . . .
I have no voice in the house, and none of the other representatives are interested in listening
House Procedure—and Transparency in Collapse
These are the good old days
Yet Another Government Takeover: Student Loan Edition -- You didn't think the health care bill was just about health care, did you? Silly rabbit, it's about power--their power, over you. If you let them have it.
Obama Off by 3,000% on Insurance Premium Savings
Idaho Will Sue -- "Similar legislation is pending in 37 other states."
Cheering For Idaho, Virginia, And Levin
Video: Slaughter strategy ripped by … Chris Matthews
Idaho passes law promising legal challenge to individual mandate in ObamaCare
CBO Not As Easy As ABC, 1-2-3
Ezra Klein – Medicare was unpopular too but look at it now! -- Yeah, look at it now. Bankrupt.
Stupak on FoxNews: “They’re not even close”
Wavering Democrats Want Health Care Bill to Go Away
New Poll Finds Americans Really, Really Don’t Like Obamacare …Update: 46% of Doctors Consider Quitting
Ohio Senator Acknowledges Any Health Reform Bill Will Lead to Public Option
Dems celebrate “Sunshine Week” by … pushing Demon Pass
Health Care Reform Meets the Chicago Way
ObamaCare whip count(s): Pelosi in trouble? -- It's difficult to judge exactly how delusional the Democrats are right now.
Health Coverage for All Americans? Not Under the Senate Health Bill
Too good to check: Rep. Joe Barton says CBO score will exceed … $1 trillion
Obama Tells FOX News He’s Not Worried About Using “Deem & Pass” Trick to Ram Through Obamacare (Video)
Obama on Slaughter strategy: “I don’t spend a lot of time worrying about what the … rules are”; Update: “Combative” video added
Forget Doctors’ Support for the Health Care Bill
The Senate Health Bill: Ordinary Americans Have Been Warned
Idaho Becomes First State to Sign Law Against Obamacare
OBAMA ON FOX NEWS… Baier NAILS Obama!… Obama Approves Louisiana Purchase… Obama Flounders
Bret Baier
Whip Count 3-17-10
Hiding the Decline in Massachusetts

The Economy (Can the blithering idiots bring down the most productive economy the world has ever seen? Yes, They Can! Will they?):
Exclusive: Study shows ObamaCare will destroy as many as 700,000 jobs by 2019

Foreign affairs and National Security (Will blithering idiots get us all killed, or make us all speak Spanish--or Chinese--or Arabic--or all three?):
Needed: A Reset with Israel -- So, when an Administration goes way, way, way out of its way to insult friends and embrace enemies, just exactly what conclusion should we reach?
U.S. affirms "unshakeable" bond with Israel -- Although it would seem to me that rhetorically slapping them in the face is an extremely odd way of affirming that bond--unless of course you're used to abusing people . . .
Why Did Barack Obama Decide to Stir Up Trouble for Israel Now?

The Morning Whip is a (mostly) daily review of what's out there that caught my attention, sometimes but not always posted before 11 am Central time in the U. S. of A., unless I just don't feel like it that day, am out doing something more important or more fun, or I've been abducted, detained, arrested, or otherwise flummoxed by the agents of blithering idiotry.

I surf the Web, so you don't have to! (which would be a trademark, but come on, who am I kidding?)